
Oct 8, 2019
Bug? I hope. Had a fight against a female whom seemed to masturbate to regain health rather often. At the 2nd or third try my guy grabbed her to help her out with that and she suddenly grew a dick. Most def not a futa at start.

Good defense mechanism though, totally quit that game.
That's a different move the guy used, it's under corruption.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
1: Latest version has some issues with gender stuff. Futas sometimes don't have dicks in exhibition matches but still accept some futa/male submissions. Might be tied into certain outfits, so it's tough to test exactly why that happens. They still try to use futa moves even without dicks, so they jump hump you. The pussy vibrator used on them turns into a dick vibrator floating in mid air and can be used even if the enemy still has bottoms on sometimes (Though maybe that's just those skirts that are accessories instead of clothes, which should probably be fixed anyways). Futa characters from the player roster show as "female" instead of futa in exhibition matches as well.

2: Just noticed we can set the AI on in exhibition matches, not sure if that's new or not, but I wonder why that's even possible? Confused me because I set AI on in a custom match and it automatically turned it on in exhibitions as well lol. It probably shouldn't automatically toggle on in there if used in custom matches.

3: There appears to be no way to remove abilities atm unless you have more than 4 I suppose. Some abilities like the penis growth would be really nice to be removable for example since the AI loves spamming that move when they have it. I think they should also wait until the previous effect has ended to use it again, it makes them a bit weak because they stop all the time to try to use it.

4: I still occasionally have an issue where during/after a grab, the game no longer accepts inputs from me until I hit esc and back out of the esc menu. Not sure exactly what causes it still, but that really needs a fix. It might have something to do with spinning the camera.

5: Some of the doggystyle type moves have the aggressor's breasts static and angled down, it's kind of distracting. Doggy2 is the worst offender. I'm sure they're probably just unfinished, but felt like I should add it since most sex animations have breasts physics already.

6: As mentioned below, some of the penis growth moves seem way too common, most girls end up as futas. Could use a filter to turn it off or a way to reduce the chance of it showing up.

7: There's some rare graphics issue when girls are defeated (Only happens during some sexual grapple animations. Doesn't happen during oral or some normal grapples):

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8: Dunno if I mentioned this already as well, but the level up choices at level 6 for skills are a bit extreme imo. None are ever appealing to me, it feels like choosing the lesser of evils rather than a bonus. I don't really like any of them, but I usually take Survival Focus because it fucks up less, lol. Still, I would rather not lose SP. I sometimes stop playing around when I get my characters to that point because I don't want to choose any of those skills.

9: Elf ears pls, lol. My orc man is lonely. I kid, just hoping they're added someday.

10: Partially invisible penis after an auto reversal. It occurred after the male performed a sex animation on the girl and she used auto reversal on him. The girl used Side Handjob and it seemed like there was an invisible object attached to her limb that was blocking view of the penis or something. It shifted around with her movement and sometimes almost blocked it completely from view, but other times it was like half visible.

11: Finally got around to testing adding girls to the random gen pool. Some new unique crashes with that that I can't easily replicate (Think it was when one of the unique girls used that uppercut move). That the skin color can automatically shift makes using it to say, create a bunch of goblins/orcs/oni and stuff that rely on their skin color useless. Seeing the gob with pale white skin and green lips/nipples is rather cursed lol. It also doesn't handle the orc bodies well... Hope that stuff is ironed out, at least it's decent for the humanish races atm.

It's nice to be able to add some girls with more variety and nipple color changes though. I wish the lip color/nipple/penis color could also change with the skin tone. Those colors are usually good to compliment other colors without being the exact same. Darker skin needs darker nips/lips, but can look pretty scary on light skin tones for example. I wonder if it would be possible to rng those within a certain range of the skin tone?

Body shine was a nice addition and glad there's more variety in enemies/recruits now. Game feels more worth playing/testing now. It helps some of the old removed features aren't being shown anymore like the cards. Features that aren't in the game being shown in the UI made things rather confusing. Still have the "weapon" and accessory slots and such though. Maybe there are plans for those?
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Dec 11, 2019
That's a different move the guy used, it's under corruption.
Damn, so always grab 'em quick enough before they finish the move...

Does it have a timer so it will dissapear like it came after some minutes have gone by?

edit: Apparently it is on some kind of timer. No idea what conditions are need to met for it to go but after some time it does.
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horny wizard

May 3, 2021
yeah, kinda weird how all the female opponents I fought so far, have all had the corruption attack. which kinda sucks, cause on top of that, there's already the option to fight futa oponents, no need to make that feature bleed out into other types of fighters.

horny wizard

May 3, 2021
anyways, here's a few character cards of varying quality, kibouko and samus are the only ones I made because everytme I try to make a character I'm just a bit too disapointed in the lack of clothes to continue making a character (the discord server of the dev is where you guys can get more cards like these btw).
to use them, just go in the dresser menu, select a character and choose the option "import".


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
anyways, here's a few character cards of varying quality, kibouko and samus are the only ones I made because everytme I try to make a character I'm just a bit too disapointed in the lack of clothes to continue making a character (the discord server of the dev is where you guys can get more cards like these btw).
to use them, just go in the dresser menu, select a character and choose the option "import".
Surprised people are even attempting non OC characters at this point with so few options available. I've only done originals so far. The Astaroth, Yoruichi, and Samus are decent/passable even with how limited our options are atm. Shamshiel might be too, I'm not too familiar with her or the rest other than Ahri. Ahri definitely needs more floof all around, hair, ears, tails. It's so fucking hard making good characters with limited clothes/hair options.

The dream would be if we could get close to One Punch Man characters.
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Here are a few of my original girls. Asiti is meant to have the dick growth ability, so her skills might be a bit weird without it. Acel is futa.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
If you want some dudes but don't want to create them. Gob uses a lot of restraints because he's too weak to dominate opponents, lol. Too bad we can't make em smaller, I wish I could make a bunch of tiny gobs to swarm girls. I love how cheap spamming restraints is though on the goblin, reminds me of the good ol days of heroine rescue team goblins constantly dragging you to devices.
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Jun 18, 2022
And here I thought I was the only person to mess around with character settings and cards. Along with the despair that so many outfits just look so darn trashy. (I know, I know, it's a porn game, but still...)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
I just remember the 500 mods you'd need in Illusion games to get all the characters you wanted because most need their specific outfits/hairdos, lol. One of the best default character customization I found actually came from an indie game because the hair and clothes were somewhat modifiable by default. It was the closest I ever came to making a decent Tatsumaki in a game without mods, too bad the game was kind of crappy lol. Devs spent all their time on the character customization I guess. Aqua was surprisingly decent as well, too bad I couldn't make her skirt/shoes.

You could pretty much just paint on some existing .pngs to create new clothes and textures and such, I wonder if something like that is possible with this game. Must be a fucking nightmare to allow modding like that or I assume everybody would do it.
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horny wizard

May 3, 2021

I mean, there's already a small modding scene for that game, since it also uses the same engine as a few of his other games. but yeah, we gotta wait until the game is eitheir finished or has enough features for modders to get some content in.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019

I mean, there's already a small modding scene for that game, since it also uses the same engine as a few of his other games. but yeah, we gotta wait until the game is eitheir finished or has enough features for modders to get some content in.
Yeah, it's just not super accessible atm to get into either. I looked around and didn't find any instructions on how to actually create mods for the game. Loverslab requires a login to download mods, and who the fuck wants to have to join a Discord to get more info? His Patreon has a lot of info locked behind Patreon subscription requirements as well (It's a shitty site for sharing/spreading info even when it's viewable by everybody). Basically there's a bit of gatekeeping all over keeping people from getting into modding this game. I'm not sure modding will ever really take off in a big way because of all that.

You really want to make things as easy as possible to draw people into modding. Every tiny bump in the road is one more reason/excuse for people to not mod this game. Like that game I posted before is super easy to get into/mod the outfits, it's basically: Create a copy of existing png. Open new png in art program, color over new png, save it and post it in the folder, ta-da new clothing. Even though almost nobody played the game, the thread is filled with modded outfits and custom girls because it was easy as fuck to mod and share and get into modding it. If this game could get closer to that level of ease of entry, that would be amazing.
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Apr 19, 2020
How do you not get ur ass kicked? And how do you do anything besides attack? I press block, she does a quick and slight block animation and gets hit, I press Throw, she does the same block thing and I get hit. Then she does like a dozen grapple moves on me and all I do is escape escape escape.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
How do you not get ur ass kicked? And how do you do anything besides attack? I press block, she does a quick and slight block animation and gets hit, I press Throw, she does the same block thing and I get hit. Then she does like a dozen grapple moves on me and all I do is escape escape escape.
The AI gets pretty cheesy at higher levels, start off only fighting Pushover or Novice difficulty enemies. Stats matter a lot in this game, make sure you level up your characters before trying harder difficulties as well. Even with a ton of skill, it's exceptionally difficult to beat Intermediate enemies at level 1 because they have increase Grab Duration, Stagger Power, CD, Lust Attack, Physical Attack, HP, etc, etc. Enemy levels are around: Pushover: Level 1, Novice: Level 3, Intermediate: Level 5. If you're under those levels, you're at an all around disadvantage.

Next, one of the best ways to catch enemies off guard is the slide tackle, dash towards them and attack. Intermediate will still counter spam it like always, but it's a bit easier to hit them with that than normal attacks/grabs. There's also a skill that gives you a fast grab later on. Enemies are again less likely to counter that, but they can still catch it sometimes. You can also jump with I and perform a jumping kick like that, but I'm not a huge fan since if you're struck in the air you fall on your ass. Next, you can counter enemy attacks and grabs yourself. Guard + Attack counters, though enemies with high stagger resist? won't be stunned long and it seems really unreliable. Sometimes enemies aren't stunned at all by counters and other times it's like 2-3 seconds long. It feels so inconsistent I usually just dash dodge attacks instead.

An easy way to get a standing grab on enemies is in the middle of your attack combo chain, enemies will continue trying to block your attacks and are much less likely to avoid your grab (Though intermediate enemies will still counter spam you like usual most the time, lol). The AI also isn't as great at reading long range attacks atm, if you start your combo when they're further away, they're more likely to take a kick to the face than if you start spamming attacks when you're standing right next to them. Also, using physical damage grabs on enemies early makes them easier to grab and wound in the future because their max HP decreases means they get knocked down easier. It's a good idea to have at least one grab that deals physical damage on all your characters instead of all Lust abilities and use that as your first grab in the match.

The cheesiest methods available right now are using restraints or magic binding skills. Magic binding is straight broken atm, you can attack enemies until they fall from the bindings, and then magic bind them again and continue that loop until they're donezo. Less cheesy but still somewhat cheesy is using the restraint skill, enemies can't attack but can still counter with it. I managed to beat an intermediate enemy with a level 1 character using that, but it can still be tricky.

TLDR: Fight lower level enemies, level your characters more, learn all the attacks available, learn to counter, use physical damage grabs first to lower enemy max HP right away (Making them easier to knock down in the future), cheese the game with restraint or magic binding skills, lol.
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Apr 19, 2020
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K, I literally didn't know about any of that. When I played, I chose some novice daily mission lookin' thing and fought her. I walked up, punched a few times, punched some more, tried to block, it did some halfway block animation that ended quick, got hit regardless, so tried grab key, grab did the same halfway block animation, got grappled and spent the match trying to grab and just being grappled over n over. Then I tried a jump kick and got punched right away and got juggled like a Dead or Alive match against a no-lifer. To me it seemed like Grab was utterly broken so I deleted the game.

And about leveling up... You can level up? :unsure:

But do I even want to? Sounds to me like enemies become a major pain in the ass above Novice, and I can't even get grab to do something. :cautious: With all of my h-game experience, and fighting game experience, this game makes me feel like total noobsauce.


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2019
K, I literally didn't know about any of that. When I played, I chose some novice daily mission lookin' thing and fought her. I walked up, punched a few times, punched some more, tried to block, it did some halfway block animation that ended quick, got hit regardless, so tried grab key, grab did the same halfway block animation, got grappled and spent the match trying to grab and just being grappled over n over. Then I tried a jump kick and got punched right away and got juggled like a Dead or Alive match against a no-lifer. To me it seemed like Grab was utterly broken so I deleted the game.

And about leveling up... You can level up? :unsure:

But do I even want to? Sounds to me like enemies become a major pain in the ass above Novice, and I can't even get grab to do something. :cautious: With all of my h-game experience, and fighting game experience, this game makes me feel like total noobsauce.
You can dash to get up quickly off the ground to avoid being chain grabbed (Or to avoid most attacks). Enemies don't level up right now, they have fixed levels. Pushover is around a player level 1 stat wise, Novice is 3, Intermediate is 5ish. Their AI improvements are even scarier than their stat improvements if you're unfamiliar with the game. Pushover can barely fight, Intermediate can counter about 75% of attacks lol.

You level up from the Roster menu btw. Need to beat 2 Pushover or 1 Novice to get the first level up.
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